Alamo Group Inc. to acquire Dutch Power Company

Dutch Power Company announced that the company has been acquired by the American Alamo Group Inc.

Giessen, 21 February 2019 – Dutch Power Company (DPC) today announced that it has entered into an agreement for the sale of the company to the American Alamo Group Inc. Alamo Group, quoted on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), designs, manufactures and distributes high-quality machinery, including a wide range of mowers for professional use. DPC also manufactures professional machines and is best known for the brands Conver, Herder, Precision Makers, Roberine and Votex. This acquisition will expand Alamo Group’s solid market position in Europe, in particular in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, the primary sales territory of DPC. The seamless match between the product ranges of the two companies will enable Alamo Group to offer its customers a very complete range of professional lawn mowing machinery.

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